Reentry: Program Design
I've designed and implemented a range of programs and interventions designed to address the criminogenic needs of justice-involved adults, support their transition from incarceration to the community, and provide the structure, support, and accountability necessary to help them permanently exit the justice system and reclaim their place in the community.
Stabilization Center

"How a new type of S.F. homeless shelter would solve the cycle of people returning to streets." Published in the San Francisco Chronicle as part of the SF Next Initiative on November 10, 2023, the Stabilization Center could serve as the first step of someone’s journey out of homelessness. The program is designed to provide three main functions: address the immediate health needs of unhoused people; restore their physical and mental health; and coordinate placement into treatment or housing. Read in SF Chronicle
Therapeutic Teaching Community

The Positive Directions TRP Academy is a culturally responsive, peer-led, abstinence-based, reentry therapeutic teaching community (TTC) and transitional housing program. The mutual self-help community has a recovery orientation, focusing on whole-person care and overall lifestyle changes, not simply abstinence from drug use. The TRP Academy infuses a strength-based approach into the program's culturally responsive guiding principles of Respect, Interdependence, and Accountability.
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Dual Diagnosis Program

The Minna Project is a dual diagnosis transitional housing program with onsite clinical and supportive services. Participants receive onsite case management and clinical services, reenrty planning, and assistance with permanent housing placement. ​This project aims to mitigate barriers to reentry by expanding access to transitional housing and behavioral health services to support the needs of justice involved adults, reduce the over-reliance on incarceration, and safely reduce the jail population.
Reentry Navigation Center

The Billie Holiday Center is a culturally responsive Reentry Navigation Center and transitional living space that is designed to provide a rapid connection to next-step resources to justice-involved adults who are unstably housed, experiencing homelessness, and recently released from the county jail or prison. Participants receive onsite case management, reentry planning, and next step resource which include drug treatment and detox, transitional housing, and mental health services.
Pretrial Program

The Pretrial Pilot Project is a clean and sober transitional housing program with onsite supportive services and case management. Participants may also access clinical, reentry, and recovery services. This project aims to mitigate barriers by expanding access to transitional housing and essential behavioral health services, reduce over-reliance on incarceration, and safely reduce the jail population; while promoting whole person care and overall lifestyle change.
Rapid Rehousing Program

Step Up to Freedom is a three- year reentry rapid rehousing and rental subsidy program for justice involved, unstably housed, adults between the ages of 18 – 35 years. The program is designed to provide financial asistance to low-income adults, while bridging the gap between homelessness and independent living. The goals of the programs are to reduce homelessness and housing instability; improve housing affordability; promote housing stability and economic security; support community development, and increase participants' self-efficacy. Urban Institute Evaluation
One-Stop Reentry Center

The Community Assessment and Services Center (CASC) was California's first behaviroal health focused, multi-services, one-stop clinical rentry center that provides clinical and reentry case management, medication management and distribution, peer mentoring, 1:1 therapy, education and employment services, barrier remediation, and benefits acquisition. The CASC's therapeutic community embraces a client-centered, strength-based approach, empowers personal responsibility, and co-locates services that build self-sufficiency including transitional housing and vocational training.
WGR Supportive Housing Program

HER House is a women’s gender responsive, alternative sentencing and transitional housing program for justice involved women and their children. The uniqueness of this program stems from the multi-agency collaboration, all BIPOC lead, leveraging each organization’s expertise in recovery and gender responsive, trauma informed services. This collaboration offers participants onsite case management and access to a broader community of support.
Portfolio of Reentry Services

From 2015 to 2023, I designed & implemented over 50 reentry & recovery-focused programs. Highlights of my work include the Community Assessment and Services Center, a Behavioral Health Reentry Center; The Positive Directions TRP Academy, an Abstinence-Based Therapeutic Teaching Community; The Minna Project, a Behavioral Health Therapeutic Residence; and The Billie Holiday Center, a Reentry Navigation Center. You can review all of the programs in the link below.
Annual Report Reentry Services

To demonstrate the efficacy of reentry and rehabilitative programs, it is essential to conduct ongoing program evaluations. Over the past decade, the programs I created were designed to meet the criminogenic needs of justice involved adults. With a recidivism rate of 3%, while overseeing a portfolio of programs that served 3,000 adults, we demonstrated blending opportunity and accountability changes lives.
Reentry Care & Treatment Network

To ensure justice involved adults struggling with addiction, mental health challenges, and housing insecurity have real-time access to supportive services, I designed and implemented a Reentry Care and Treatment Network (RCTN), a continuum of integrated services designed to address both the criminogenic needs and community functioning factors of justice involved adults and mitigate the dynamic risk factors proven through research to affect recidivism.
Recovery System of Care

To promote wellness and recovery, and to support unhoused San Franciscans struggling with addiction, I designed an integrated model that coordinates The Salvation Army's local services and programs into a Recovery System of Care (RSC). Central to the RSC is approximately 20 million dollars of services including Stabilization & Withdrawal Management, Licensed Residential Drug Treatment, Faith-Based Therapeutic Communities, Recovery-Focused Housing, Life Skills, Career Development, & a Alumni Support Network.
Recovery System of Care
Housing Needs of Justice Involved Adults

This 2023 exploratory research on the housing needs of justice involved adults in San Francisco. It was planned, implemented, and led by individuals who have experienced the challenges of addiction, homelessness, and justice system involvement, and was secondarily supported by researchers. This project was participatory in both its methodological approach and its ideological perspective and making it a report written with an authenticity often absent from research projects.
The Way Out: Overcoming Addiction

Each year over 19,000 people cycle in and out of homeless in San Francisco, most addicted to drug and experiencing other behavioral health challenges. The Way Out is a homeless initiative, focused on recovery from addictions that offers withdrawal management and stabilization, residential drug treatment, recovery housing, independent living, workforce development, and an alumni support network. This evidence-based model is helping people reclaiming their lives.